I also saw this on the LA Tech BBB I thought it was pretty funny. http://www.latechbbb.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=5150
LSU is ranked 6 in the BCS what a crock of shit, they still got Miami 4th
that was according to Trev Alberts, Trev Alberts is such a hypocrite that its not even funny. He jumps Bandwagons so fast its mind blowing. BTW...
at the end of Gameday final that is currently on ESPN, I like to see if LSU gets any respect this time.
http://www.collegefootballnews.com/2003/Bowls/Bowl_Projections.htm here is the bowl projections I was talkinga bout.
The Latest bowl projections I have seen has us in the Rose Bowl against Michigan. that was from CFBnews.com
I don't know about Cadilliac on the saints, but I wish the saints would look at Dansby or Dontarrious Thomas at Linebacker
yeah there is alot of junk on ITAT such as http://insiders8.ezboard.com/fauburnfrm2.showMessage?topicID=47722.topic But most of the PPL on...
LSU still not projecting in the top 6 and that is all they done.
I hope Trev " bust in the NFL" Alberts keeps picking against us. He picked against us all year and was only right once. Hell even Lee Corso is a...
LMAO I was hoping we were done with the 31-7 chants last year. Oh well I can live with it since its LSU 31-7, 31-7, 31-7, 31-7
this is not hard to do, I don't have the time since I am about to leave to go tailgating, but all you have to do is type in Evangel Christian...
hmmmm didnt know that Dog, thanks for pointing that out.
I found this on Wayne's AU board. I thought this was a pretty good post. http://auburn.nu/board/display.pl?page=1=read=43220400
I wouldn't even cheer for Evangel even if god himself came down and begged me too. That is how much I hate Evangel, but then again I did Graduate...
http://insiders6.ezboard.com/fwestvirginia18066frm2.showMessageRange?topicID=28396.topic&start=1&stop=20 They Are Bashing the West Virginia...
I think in all honesty that Shyrone should start when he gets back healthy and Ally should be number 2. I'm just not been real impressed with...
I know your talking about me since I was the one talking crap to them, but if you wanna kiss their ass then that is on you. If they dont' like how...