What about that coach from Bowling Green. That guy is pretty damn good.
Check out who Herbstreit picks http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=1610303 These guys aren't paying attention to college football...
http://espn.go.com/ncf/preview03/columns/curry/1598370.html No identity? Come on... Awesome receivers, Solid D, and a leader at the helm...
Look at Matt Hayes: http://www.sportingnews.com/voices/matt_hayes/20030831.html
The beast of the east Florida has all the beef at home, and the flakes away?!?! Home field at the swamp may throw a wrench into Tennessee and...
Gotta be the arrogant... Gotta be the arrogant menage a toi in Florida... Nothing cracks me up more than those short bus cruisers. They...
Alright I'll buy into this talking of smack... You aren't supposed to paint your monkey, just ***** your monkey. How ironic a conversation...
I logged on this morning in utter curiousity about what Florida fans across the NET are saying. After 12 years on top of the east the most...
LSUA Don't forget about LSUAlexandria. They have 4 year programs, too.
That Auburn game I'm surprised someone mentioned that 12-6 Auburn game. That was a very electric night and it is rarely mentioned in great LSU...