Arkansas player arrested...Hindenburg blows up...wheel invented...Germans bomb Pearl Harbor...Ole Miss blows...etc.
Shrub spends money like it's water while pretending to cut taxes. Trouble is, we spend $2.2T a year. Taxpayers have to pick up the tab sooner or...
Actually I think he has a case. The official reason he was fired was that he embarrassed the Bama football program. How exactly can you do...
"Yes, and this is the United States of America, a country founded on Christian principles." Please point out where either the Constitution or... Submitted it to Google this morning. That's Is there anyone here on Tigerforums...
He might try the Constitution Party or the Libertarians.
Do you honestly expect us to believe that the Repubs wouldn't have bashed Clinton for this? They wouldn't have called him a spendthrift? Reminded...
What about sending Ole Priss to the Sun Belt where they belong and bringing in USM to make the West a stronger division?
Yeah, but it's just taxpayer money. Might as well be free, as far as he's concerned.
No way we lose to Ole Priss. They'll be well into their annual November meltdown when we see them. Fayetteville Correctional won't beat...
Even though I can't stand Shrub, I'm giving him a free pass, because it's possible the real reason was legitimate but was something he couldn't...
Definitely USL. They direct their penis envy at Tulane as well as at us.
Sigh...again?? I thought it was Tulane's fault they sucked since Tulane is the real owner of the name "University of Louisiana". They think...
I think Blanco's tougher than Leach. Leach is too far to the left, and if he picks up a lot of steam his opponents will remind everyone that he...
Are you Gerry Dinardo or something? :)
I still think it should be Moses, since Ole Priss has been lost in the desert for 40 years.
I like the new one better. It's SUPPOSED to be scary. The old one looks like Donald Duck.
The ^(&(*&^ limeys have been a scourge on the earth for a thousand years! Of course, I'm a little biased, being an Irish Catholic.