Which of these is the best thing to call the glorified J. Crew catalog in Oxford?
Dear Worried, In most cases I encourage people to be forthcoming about such things. But I wouldn't mention the cousin from Ole Miss. That would...
Clempsun...make a big Death Valley sign that can go to the winner
Ryan's Steakhouse is fully prepared for future incidents.
Wow, throw it out there to the fans instead of paying $67K or whatever the hell we did for a new logo. What a concept. Earth to Skip!!
Amen to that.
Tin Lizzy's still exists. It just has a different name (Waldo's).
Man, do y'all work for a living? :) I was thinking payroll taxes. They're on helluva bite out of people's paychecks. What really sucks is if...
LSU nut, who doesn't pay taxes?
Here's another one :dis:
Nice to see truth in advertising!
Ironically, I felt the same way about the Arkansas game. Even when Matt Jones had to go 80 yards in 40 seconds with no timeouts, I couldn't shake...
You might like this one Biggles: http://www.cafepress.com/Anti_Shrub
Looks like they struck out on most of that.
How about this: B(C)S Conferences SEC West: LSU, Arky, Bama, Auburn, Southern Miss, Tulane SEC East: UTK, UGA, FU, USC, Vandy, UK Big 10...
Definitely Clayton--he's the best player on the team. Maybe we should do Toe, Reed, Davey, etc. for older versions of the game.
Showing my youth here, but is the WR from 1983 Wendell Davis, or was he later?
"I can't believe we got drafted by the METS!"
Is there a site with Ole Miss championship rings? They'd obviously be Photoshopped but I'd still like to see it
I'll make a surprising pick--Herb Tyler. Had it not been for Tepper Herb would easily be the winningest QB in school history. During Tyler's...