That game made a good case for the argument that football is war. Dang, those teams got after each other!
Beat the hell out of ut!
GEAUX Raiders!!!
"This is undoubtedly Leak's biggest win." Well, I think a win in Death Valley agains the NATIONAL CHAMPIONS of 2003 would rank up there.
SpringTiger goes: Tenn over Florida, 6.5 Ole Miss over Vandy, 3.0 Army over Baylor, 6.0 Nwestern over Az State, 15.5 Tulsa over N...
: I think he meant that they were where Pelini coached and taught them to be. Therefore, they were "where they were supposed to be" and Pelini...
I, too, have plans to drive in for the game and stay Friday and Saturday nights. But it looks like there will be no place for us to stay, so I'm...
What an awesome game!
He's going to be an Aggie.
I didn't see an LSU cap either. The kid seems to be enjoying the attention and stringing this along. I wish he would announce already! I need...
He is supposed to be announcing his decision right now! What is he waiting for???!!
I heard some expert on the radio say that CW has not looked good at all. Apparently, he's still hurting.
Put me in the Cassanova camp. I was 10 years old when Tommy Cassanova started playing at LSU, and he was my first sports hero. He was a big...
But it's the half that we sing before each home game!
Where stately oaks and broad magnolias shade inspiring halls there stands our dear old alma mater who to us recalls fond memories that waken...
Do you think there will be a provision stipulating that he be the highest paid D1 coach if he wins the BCS championship?
I couldn't imagine a new one is not made every year! I'm sure each team gets to keep and display that thing forever as a nice reminder of a sweet...
As much as I hate it and hate to admit it, USC is the real deal - at least last night they were. I was hoping for a drubbing, but the reverse of...
I predict they will talk about it for 60 seconds, and say something like: "great hire, but he's got huge shoes to fill..."
Wow, Boston! How did you miss it??? :confused: GD came in and said all the right things and even had a little bit of success initially,...