2theadvocate.com | LSU Sports | Laney: Many to blame after this defeat — Baton Rouge, LA
those coaches dont paly in the SEC and they dont have poor clock management skills. stoops does NOT have more talent top to bottom than LSU....
this is probably the most accurate statement I've seen posted. I'd like to see Miles go because we deserve a top tier coach but I think you...
5 years would be nice. maybe 15 -20 years ago that was the norm. Welcome to big time college football $$$ and what have you done for me...
Unless we get a really good OC, we will win next year in spite of Miles not because of him. Talent covers a lot of bad coaching. Lafell...
You need to watch the replay. Miles clearly was asking him to spike the ball. if real video evidence doesnt show you that, no amount of typing...
Saban sux, he is not trashing LSU he is trashing the coach. although many have defended Miles, I never have. I prefered Saban, he is a...
why did they not call a running play for the two point conversion? Why call two back to back corne o the end zone passes. Even the announcers...
on the two point Ridley should have been given the ball.
anyone remember that show "sybil"? This could be John, logged on as one of the other people in his mind.
Keep in mind that you dont know this man and there is a REAL chance he has something wrong. At least from your post I dont think you know him....
Actually if you put him in a straight jacket and padded cell he'd appear normal. He is just a fish out of water.
Re: Jefferson Tried to hustle his team off the field too late he aready passed that point
Re: Jefferson Tried to hustle his team off the field you underestimate the sheer stupidity of sunshine pumpers. its laughable.
defense is dead because they are on the field all freakin night. the game isnt designed to be played like that. Miles knows that. U of M...
never question Red's football savy. he is like that blind old chinese man on kung fu and we are all grasshoppers. :) he will be back...
tells us oh great one, did JJ change the play? why were we throwing the ball? us lowly NO football understanding wanna be's need to understand...
I think Ridley should have gotten 80% of the running plays to STARt the game. And we should have RUN him 20 times or more.
DONT DO IT MAN! come on down! its just a game. besides you'd miss me saying jammers. LOL FWIW I agree with you.