when Lee was put in it went the same way only worse. Our play calling has fallen to a new LOW. Is there something to describe below pitiful?...
Lord PLEASE dont jinx the boy by wishing he become Jamarcus Russell. Strong arm, no QB savvy at all. had they played Flynn a year...
No you dont. I live in Indy and I dont own a parka.
I doubt Saban comes back to LSU. but he is a much better coach than Miles, game day wise. Miles has alot of great qualities, they just arent on...
You have nothing to back up your MAJORITY claim. Its what you hope not actual facts.
hope so. Might piss me off more though because I will wonder why we waited till now? It would do us good to come out strong, and it will do...
everyone is quick to get on dan but he is right on the money about this one. There are even admins here that do it. :dis:
the alarm clock is ringing by all means roll over and goback to sleep :dis:
This is scary. I see your point. we may be in some do do here.
if he doesnt go this year some one should fire the AD
U of M doesnt want him or he'd be there now. Some one up there pays attn.
you are most welcome Al Gore
Re: Fire Les Miles what's his record agaisnt Bama, Ole Miss, Florida, and the Hogs in the last 2 years? He is a good coach, Miles is a...
animal house wasnt a bad movie but it wasn't anywhere near movies like the green mile or dances with wolves, gone with the wind, training day,...
they were right on the money about the last seconds of the game. I'd take either one of them over Miles game management.
I was an LSU fan since 62 so..... I will always be an LSU fan. Miles never was that good at clock management or game day management....
the only thing I disagree with you on is this. I will still watch them and pull for them for the players. I will always pull for my Tigers....
Re: 1:02 left with 2 TO's! Run on 1st down , Run on 2nd down, Run on 3rd down! call TO with 5 sec to 2theadvocate.com | LSU Sports | Laney: Many...