I never did but that's because my dad moved us to Tennessee right before I started high school where I met my future husband. Rather than giving...
Wholeheartedly agree.
I giggled.:lol:
I can't stand a tomato based gumbo, but I do like okra in it. I don't know how to make gumbo myself yet, but my maw-maw will be teaching me...
Nice post, continue to hang around and you will receive more of the same treatment you got at the game. Good, hard-fought game. :geaux:
I consider myself a "True" fan. I didn't buy a ticket because I refuse to spend $500 per ticket plus hotel and gas money for any game but a major...
D@mn right! I do think that we need a better QB but the rest of our team played a D@MN good football game tonight. They made me proud. It was a...
Uh, NO, I'm not kidding you. I don't think he wants to be "friends," he's just extending some courtesy to the man by saying he wants to be there...
That man made me even more proud that I voted for him even after he lost. Oh how I wish it had been him, a true American hero who LOVES his...
It's done. :dis::bncry:
Get the f' out... We are TRUE fans and believe our team can win NO MATTER WHAT! All the bandwagons need to go home, we are loud enough without...
She told me that because there was the option to vote early and send in absentee ballots that she didn't have to let us leave. I don't care, it's...
I voted absentee because my boss won't let me leave early. I will however go tonight to make sure they did receive my ballot.
Damn... As soon as I read this I texted all my Tennessee fan friends and they are ALL ridiculously excited. I don't know a single one who isn't...
I don't assume that the middle class is lazy, but I do know that there are a LOT of lazy ass people out there collecting checks for having babies...
First of all DARLIN, my husband is "fortunate" in that he lives in America, a country in which the dream is that you can make money from nothing....
The way I see it, my husband is out busting his A$$ 13 hours a day to make the money we have and because Obama thinks we're doing "ok enough to...
Honestly, the way the media (except FoxNews) has been the last few months, yeah, I do think there would have been.
The only one I've heard of was the assasination attempt and I found out about that one AFTER I posted this. I don't think any of this is ok. I...
How has this man gotten away with this? http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/27/effigy-palin-hanging-noose-halloween-fun-says-owner/ If this...