Very good one!
Ok. Forgiven :)
Don't know how you figure Kim Kardashian is fat. She has a big ass, but she is nowhere NEAR fat. No wonder women starve themselves. Anyway,...
Another good individual pizza recipe: Take flour tortillas, lightly coat one side with melted butter. Sprinkle Italian seasonings and feta...
If you're ever in upper east Tennessee for whatever reason, go to a Pal's Sudden Fast Food and get a hot dog. They aren't really the best in the...
Copy Image location and paste in a new window. Hilarious!
Maybe we should just stop breathing. I mean, since when you exhale, you let out carbon dioxide. That works. Let's all just stop breathing. Oh,...
Re-reading the Twilight series, :redface: and then I'm going to read Common Sense by Glenn Beck.
The BEST sweet tea I've ever had was at a Pal's restaurant. It's a localized chain in upper east Tennessee. SO worth the trip.
That looks amazing.:thumb:
If I allowed myself to eat this nearly as often as I'd like, I would be ginormous. [IMG][IMG]
Oh lord yes. It was almost as bad as watching a close LSU football game.
Go Bucs! I'm an ETSU almunus and am truly proud of their effort tonight! I just wish they could've pulled it out and won.
Ha ha, Thanks! I listen to Rush every weekday.
I think the best seafood restaurant we have here in Tally is Barnacle Bill's ( I like the Crepe Vine too...
I was listening to him when he said that and almost fell outta my chair. :rofl:
Ha ha, this has elbow macaroni but nothing about it is Kraft. Btw... After having eaten this one, it's good, but Hamburger Helper is easier...
Chili mac and cheddar soup recipe: Ingredients...
I'm no longer a resident of Louisiana, but I totally believe he's doing the right thing. I only wish our governor would do the same.
Funny stuff. Downloaded in case it "disappears" for some reason. I like the comment below "Can't wait for the dance mix".