So how much you gonna charge us???:dis:
Has Saban lost his luster??? :grin:
Wow, dumb penalty.
I still think Florida will shut 'em up.
Ah, the meltdown is Beautiful!!! :lol:
Anybody visit any bama boards recently?:hihi:
Speaking of mistakes...
I knew Utah had a decent D, but I really didn't think they'd be able to score on bama like this. If they can keep from making mistakes I think...
I don't know about a lamp, but I definitely see the light![img]
Bravo!! Nice post!
Re: Bama looses there DC to Clemson Your right, I could care less. :hihi:
I'm torn. I'll probably slightly pull for bama, then pray for forgiveness. edited: nah forget that, I voted utah.
:geaux:Great news!:thumb:
I also agree here, that he will be ineffective for the most part on La recruits, but you know Tenn plans otherwise.
Well I don't think they are paying him that amount just for his D-line prowess.
Its obvious what you're claiming, and its possible they made a mistake. I haven't been with the team all year like the coaches have. We...
Re: 5 Star DT William Campbell Very nice tidbit!
I couldn't stand to hear the usc band play the first down song every other play and turned it off at halftime. Glad I missed that lovefest.
If my aunt had a male appendage she'd be my uncle. I'm just glad JJ started last night, and I look forward to seeing more of him next year....