I hear Saban's name is now mentioned for a few NBA and MLB openings as well. Damn, he's good. :rofl: :lol: :rofl:
I agree that he'll be in the NFL one day. I just don't think he'd host recruits at his house on Sunday and leave for the NFL the next day. The...
That's good. I didn't see much chatter on any of the Browns message boards. I'd find it hard to believe LSU would have arguably the biggest...
Has anyone heard the outcome of the 5:00 meeting?
please, thanks
Does anyone have the link? Thanks
Anybody have a link to the bowl payouts this year.
Yes, I believe all of that is correct.
thanks, appreciate it
yes, it's non-bcs top 6. It's top 4 for bcs conference, that's the confusion. You could have 3 teams (Cal, Texas, and Utah) "guaranteed" spots...
k, thanks for clearing it up. The NCAA needs to take the word "guaranteed" out of the language then. Does anyone have the exact language...
What happens if Cal and Texas finish 3 and 4 respectively (i.e, Auburn loses one or both of their final two games), and Utah finishes # 6. There...
what about capital one? I think we still have a shot at that one.
Saban was on a houston radio talk show this morning. He said he didn't have all the facts, but said it's hard to give credibility to a guy like...
Yes, turnovers have been very costly this year. We rank 101st in Div-I with a turnonver margin of -1 per game....
USC plays in the national championship unless they get beat twice. It's that simple.
Anybody have a link to the LSU/Florida series? I want to see when (prior to last couple of years) was the last time we won in Gainesville.
great game, tough to make comparisons week to week. we just play in an awfully good conference.
Where can I find the future schedules? I've only seen schedules through 2006.
Once you get rid of Tubby, the LSU/Auburn series will be a good ole rivalry. Until then, it remains personal. Nothing against Auburn, just their...