i also think people overlook the fact that we gave the ball up 4 times and tenn did not. and still won. if LSU has a repeat -4 against UF, the...
part of that is addazio but yeah i hear you. at least crowton (stand back, i'm about to compliement him sort of) can run an offense without...
hmmmmmmm, it's possible you and lasalle already know a way to beat stress. :grin:
ha, i said... ok, now everyone go back to being mature adults.
meh. but she still seems pretty choked up over gundy being a man, and 40.
it doesn't help gary but if it means someone else calls the plays then it helps LSU. tirk, maybe i missed something. what does gordy rush...
cmon izzy. you think miles called to sub 3 wr's when he had a big package in?? i understand your anti boner for miles but all of the plays at...
has this been posted anywhere on TF? LSU football Coach Les Miles said Gary Crowton may coach on field Saturday: video | NOLA.com
he does.
take your eye patch and your gimmicky offense and i bid you good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY SIR!!!!
anyone know what it takes to qualify for a medical redshirt and if #99's eligible?
bob stoops as a DC also made him look good in the 90's. his time has passed. although he put together a good staff at carolina they can't win...
i pray you are right
i'm not sure why so many people have a hard time believing this. they think miles is stupid, so wouldn't it make sense that he delegates and...
they could do a lot of things. they could have ruled that PI call vs randle in the back of the end zone uncatchable. but they didn't....
just keep in mind clay travis is a big time Tenn guy. edit: i wrote that before i even read it. and man, sour grapes abound. it's almost like...
wait a minute, did i just agree with what SEC officials said. WTF is going on?
i watched the game at the tailgate spot but heard from an attendee that jefferson was boo'ed during starting lineups.
in english please!
the thread shouldve been locked after this post. if you argue that players walk on the field after a kneel down it's based on the assumption...