No excuse my friend. I clearly said Palin was an empty skirt. I wouldnt mind bang'n her but I dont want her anywhere near the Presidency. I...
You werent paying attention then. Boston fans commit murder over their Sox. You are born or raised in Boston and you are a life long Sox fan....
Go to a Giants or Jets game in New York and then listen to their sports radio talk shows and get back to me on that. They are just as fanatical as...
Those are the same traits Saints fans have. If you dont believe it you've never lived in New Orleans a day in your life. If you havent lived in...
This is kind of a stupid argument because both the Saints and LSU are Louisiana's to love. I dont think there is any question state wide that LSU...
Palin is an empty skirt but Obama is just as much of an empty suit. I got an email last week showing Obama using a teleprompter in a small...
Thats pretty funny. I normally watch SNL but missed it this week.
You can easily do it for free! No need to buy anything.
This is off topic but....A few things have been uncovered at Tennessee since Kiffin left and they are pretty unsavory. I'll see if I can fill in...
You could probably go down the roster and pick the likely ones. Peveto may end up getting a bunch if the transfers dont want to sit out a...
I count 8 seniors on our 2010 roster based on Dandy Don's site. That cant be right, or is it?
I feel like its going to be a little different this year and thats partly because we had a full class of 25 who qualified and reported last year....
Of course he is hearing it, probably from schools like Ohio St I would think. He may be waiting a while too because even though the case comes up...
That is a relatively new phenomena. Up until 7 or 8 years ago, they historically went head to head on a lot of players. I look for that to...
Aub is going to need a few more good classes to get back in the hunt. Their offense may be decent but their defense is still suspect and they are...
Getting the roster sorted out for August is more of a dilemma right now. When I counted a couple weeks ago we only had 17 or 18 spots available....
Dude, you realize that is a progressive left wing liberal site right? The 2 authors are confirmed liberals. Thats not really on objective law piece.
I hate them, absolutely hate them. They are like an infestation on my lake. A bunch of annoying little pests. Besides, there are only two kind of...
Absolutely right. Tubby and his staff where invisible in Alabama the last few years. Auburn is needed to keep Saban busy fighting for players...
5 are already enrolled and count towards last year.