You know, Im a gump HATER extraordinaire and my initial thought is FUG EM. Let them deal with the schedule. They are the defending National Champ...
Re: How good is Nick Shepard? He may not rule Texas out but they wont be in it if we offer. If they are that close we will have a Shepard...
Yes they do! When you accept a scholarship you are bound by the rules of those who represent the body you accepted the scholarship from, in this...
Re: How good is Nick Shepard? Any idea about his relationship with his brother? Are they like super tight?
I realize the sample size is small but its relative and there is a pattern. The combine is the only independent outlet for measuring these things...
How is using every player we had that lifted compared to the other players that lifted a small sample? Its the most complete comparison you can...
It doesnt mean anything to just isolate two players like that and while it may be true nobody knows for sure. To make any kind of judgment you...
Chad's performance was not debunked. They specifically talked about his low reps on NFL network. There was no mention of a specific number but if...
Chad Jones and Harry Coleman both had the lowest number of bench press reps at their position. I know some people dont put up great combine...
I dont remember who was commenting but on NFL Network (Sirius) they were saying teams know Chad has upside but are going to stay away because of...
That was a great game. I hated we lost in the end but I do have some Canadian blood running in me so I guess there is a silver lining. Overall...
Absolutely agree. Brian Westbrook was a great player. For a guy his size its amazing he has stayed in the NFL as long as he has. What is he, 5'8"?...
Attendance off slightly in 09. Lots of different attendance figures and combinations at the link. Rank School Attendance Average 1....
:lol: Canadians have zero desire to be Americans.
Curling is also late night at msnbc or cnbc. Starts at 9PM our time. EDIT: LIVE RIGHT NOW. US vs SWEDEN CNBC. Started at 9pm
Not even close. We are comparable to the Canadians. The entire US team plays in the NHL. They are supposed to be better but not Dream Team vs the...
I can. Im a dual citizen. I have family living in Canada. I lived in Vancouver for 3 years. Yes, I understand and they are SICK. You live...
SAY IT AINT SO! :hihi: