[MEDIA] does this mean Biden isnt allowed on european soil with this indictment from the ukraine. Its been issued for months now. is this the...
on pace for almost 1000 yards.
45-14 halftime
theyre rubbing aranda in our face.
This is them looking good. Wait til they quit in the 2nd qtr.
Sometimes. theres been one issued from the ukraine for some time. but i imagine it would be hard to find. take your AOL disk out.
looks like this is our mark on the history timeline. The commies have won out. They control every social aspect of our lives destroying...
Who said I read anything. If you want to disprove anything factually be my guest. Politico? Otherwise shut the fuck up in my thread about what...
On September 12, 2018, by Executive Order 13848, I declared a national emergency pursuant to the International...
Don’t tell me what I know. Everything I said is factual minus a minor detail or two I’d guess. Haspel was arrested and is no longer director....
So it turns out Haspel was on foreign soil (frankfurt) when this firefight broke out. Reports she was killed which was simply cover but she did...
Thats badass.
if i tell you tomorrows thanksgiving, you start making the turkey gumbo. the media is not telling you anything. but they will attack when youre...
so about the frankfurt servers there was a shootout and 5 of our guys were killed. Turns out our CIA is complicit and tried to prevent the...
i liked the saints/den under even at 36. it may not go over 20. a couple defensive scores is the worry.
tip of the day. I was playing around with this paywall trying to break into this site yesterday and discovered just holding down the escape...
. I blocked him a few weeks ago. He’s too far gone and ruins my vibe.
st louis returns all 5 of its starters and its top 8 scorers. And 92% returning minutes from last season. All pretty incredible stats. I...
Aggies 44-17
the legislators have drawn up a joint resolution to take the power from the governor and sos then nullify the election results.. then the GOP...