Might be time to start working in one of the older kickers... York has a bad hitch in his motion.
That'll do it.
York has lost his stroke since the first three games...
Definitely conservative today... Playing not to lose.
LSU has... the TE and RB dump offs are dealing with the blitz.
Dec at least hyperextended there...
Weird strategy change up here in the playcalling... The bunch and tight slot formations...
I am like 10 seconds behind because I have streaming TV.
Pussy ass rush... Playing contain on the line.
A turnover here would do wonders...
Drops + refs aren't calling it clean... Should have had PI in the end zone on the first drive and at least once on this drive.
Refs are letting those DBs in early.
All of these fucking political ads... So sick of it.
Need to keep bringing pressure... Four aren't getting there.
No rush discipline on that play... Gotta break down at the last second so you don't whiff...
DB was friggin hugging him.
DB was early...
An incompletion! WTF!?!?!
No worry at all on 3rd... Such an odd feeling.