I've seen that scenario reported on other media outlets. But yea, it's a surprise to see it on CNN.
Hopefully Nancy Pelosi next month.
That shows you how much interest I have in MLB.
Don't hold your breath waiting.
I expect Eric Bienemy the Chiefs OC to interview & receive strong consideration for the coaching vacancies.
I wonder if the Atlanta Braves are considering changing their name? I wonder if Ted Turner is even aware of the "controversy" surrounding sports...
His Mom moved to Baton Rouge to be near her boy. That & the fact she gets as much media attention as him suggests to me he's still a Momma's boy.
Curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to do a Google search on the Cleveland Indians. It came as no surprise to learn that the Indians...
WTF?? What was I thinking? I wasn't. I plead temporary insanity. Starting a non LSU sports thread in this place. I should know better.
WTF?? Are you serious?? That's about all the proof one needs to verify that this PC shit has gotten completely out of control. And the sad...
Don't give up your day job @ Wendy's. And gee. Look who liked your post. I guess that means HWR will be along shortly.
When are you going to come up with new material? It's going to be a long wait. At least @LSUTiga & @Bayou Tiger occasionally come up with new...
Not a surprise. Thanks for the memories Zach.
He would have to look up the definition of honor. That is if he knew how to use a dictionary.
Your husband wears a catheter. Obviously for a different reason.
I haven't read it once. I don't post here to win friends & influence people. If I did, you would be at the bottom of the lists.
Yea. Very informative thread. Maybe the thread title has something to do with it.
Good game between A&M & NC. Tied @ 27 with 10 minutes to go.