Exactly, the state of Alabama and their fan base will be in complete meltdown mode. Better guard the state of Louisiana from the Harvey UpDikes of...
Alabama doesn't have as much money as Texas! You can bank on that!
This senator has a face book page, I put my comments on there along with a lot of folks.
Girl in Uganda Loses Use of Legs After Leaving Islam for Christ, Christian News Someone should send this story to that idiot senator!
:rofl: Aw man, I wish I could give you more rep points for that!:grin:
I hadn't thought of that! UGH!!! Less games for us to enjoy next year. I have gotten spoiled, such a priviledge to watch Tiger football on tv...
I hadn't thought of that!!!:hihi: Let me put it to you this way, I have lived in San Antonio, been to Austin, 6 street many times. I have been to...
Sure there were some good players around, Dinardo did some building but he also lost the ship. The Titanic sank. I am curious as to why people...
Exactly!!!! That Texas job is becoming more attractive by the moment. Saban could dominate and own that conference including Snoops.:hihi: He...
I am a little irritated tonight. I have just heard about Lowes pulling advertisement from a show called American Muslim. I will provide a link to...
I just saw this on the news as well! You have to wonder who will be the OC for the BCS Championship Game.
This is totally insane, it makes me NOT want to watch any NBA games. I have a bad taste in my mouth!
Thank You, we are all in agreement here, at least the last few of us!:grin:
I am confused by your post. I do now recall the Larry Foster incident. You say a girl should have been playing in the LSU backfield?:confused:...
Jarrett Lee is going to think CLM's once they win the BCS Trophy. Once he holds that in his hand and realizes that as a backup QB he played a huge...
Thank You all very much, Red, Okie tiger, etc. Tyler is 10 and oops Cami is 6 but will be 7 in February, my numbers escape me sometimes! Yes I...
Ok, How weird is this, look at the date that I updated this last time. Steve was asking how Cami was and so I thought I'd give a new update real...
I thought they gave him a statue awfully fast!:grin:
Surprised by our OOC schedule, we haven't had a schedule like that in awhile.
I really like this post but unsure about what is meant with the same passion. I hope voodoo is at work here, I think it is great if he is getting...