You can vote for whomever you like nationally or locally. If you want actual change you have to vote for people that represent change.
So no policies would change?
What policies would really change anyways?
While I agree spending in the ME is stupid. Just turning around and spending it here makes little sense as well. Spend = The problem
Oops. I read wrong. I mean't "they wouldn't" as in match up.. ha
Increasing revenue does nothing to solve the problem. Until EVERYBODY has some skin in the game nothing will change.
Or we could just worry about us and not everybody else. Oh and how about learn some personal responsibility.
Red argues that if you keep everything you have to raise taxes. Others argue that if you cut some things you don't have to raise taxes.
Well the way the GOP debate went last night we probably should be at war with everybody.
Red it's just printed fiat money, blowback, rp, end the fed. *that was for Martin.
I'll be quiet until after Iowa. ;)
Ugh. Damn spelling..
Or that they are smarted than you...
SF I thought you might like this. haha Kids for Ron Paul - Ben Smith -
We shall see which one is right. But Newt, give me a break. He can have his 15 minutes like the others.
Latest numbers from Iowa - Iowa State University/KCRG/Gazette poll: Cain 24.5% Paul 20.4% Romney 16.3% Perry 7.9% Bachmann 7.6% Gingrich 4.8% SOURCE
I'm sick of old people claiming to be something they are not.
Good article from Pat: The American Conservative ยป Return of the War Party?
He is just another flip flopper. While his rhetoric seems serious his positions speak for themselves. Just another big government liar. I...
He said in 08 he would have voted for the TARP bailout. Yah that is pretty smart.