$39B given to Egypt in foreign aid. What did it give us?
Israel can take care of themselves now. It's funny we claim to be their friend yet arm their enemies. Hypocrisy. Oh I saw Egypt now has a...
Rand in more detail: PAUL: War on terror doesn't justify retreat on rights - Washington Times
I give Newt about 2 months. After Iowa/NH he is done for: Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy - YouTube
I think you say it enough for me ;)
That's crazy talk! The Govt. knows best..
glad to know you know what I'm apparently saying. Keep up the good work.
Without knowing the detail your statement is rather broad. That could mean we are providing 99% of the "fluidity".
Some what related from yesterday:
McCain wants to be able to hold anyone. Including American citizens without due process forever if (the govt) deems them an enemy combatant. Can...
Basically what the guy says that if the President wants to use military action he can and will for whatever reason he see's fit. Not ONCE did I...
I think you did.
Martin would be proud. European markets surge as U.S. Federal Reserve announces plans to support the global financial system. via CNN
Does he represent change?
Breaking News: Herman Cain reassessing future of his campaign for GOP presidential nomination, source close to campaign tells CNN's Wolf Blitzer
Increase in money supply = inflation
Not to mention the foreign aid we give Pakistan. Which went from about 3M in 01 to 700M last year. Take from the poor here and give to the...
Well it looks like we might turn our attention into invading Pakistan next. Because you know they have Taliban , Al Qaeda, and WMDs there....
The spending simply delayed the inevitable. The bubble is getting bigger.