LSU can fund its full-ride athletic scholarships, but none of the other schools can. They all get state tax money. It is going to be difficult for...
Well, that is the problem. The university is letting the investigation drag on and on and on until the semester is over and the player has...
There is actually a baptist seminary at Angola and prisoners have been ordained in the Baptist church. But this is not so with Catholics, Jews,...
Voters have no say in nominating or confirming a justice, that is in the Constitution. How difficult is that to understand? I thought you might be...
You are inventing issues that you want to argue. What I said was that "the voters" don't have a say in this, both the President and the Congress...
The Constitution says that the president is obligated to nominate a candidate and the Congress is obligated to approve or disapprove him. This...
Any prisoner can pray. But they can't hold a mass, give last rites or any other thing that religions require a clergyman to do. It does not seem...
Malfeasance is your solution?
OK. Then just name one. Just one significant cut that can be made. It is easy to say cut the waste. It is difficult to find any waste to cut that...
Name one waste item that would eliminate 2.8 billion dollars. There is not a lot of fat left in state government agencies after 8 years of Jindal.
All they have to do is amend the constitution. They do that regularly anyway.
Good. His refusal to give significant playing time to Quinn and Diarse last year led to Diarse transferring to TCU and will probably still lose us...
Sorry, no. She had a huge surplus so the scheduled pay raises were entirely justified, that is NOT what sunk the economy. And her tax...
The republican legislature repealed Stelly in 2008 and Bobby Jindal oversaw it and signed it.
The truth hurts and the legislature and the citizens need to hear it right now. LSU runs out of money in April and will not be able to pay...
If there were such as thing as an average woman you might be right. But it is much more complicated than that. Women are confused and confusing...
It's a piece of shit. Hollow tube handle that will bend, cheap rivets that will fail. Stamped and riveted axehead, not forged. Tiny machete and...
You lookin' at me? [IMG]
Turn out the lights when you leave.
That is not how things work, LSU sports are not funded by the Board at all. The head football coach picks his assistants, not the board.