he didn’t get fired because his contract was less than 3 months old and was not a “slam dunk” for cause firing. Firing a guy 3 months into a...
oh yeah every coach has language at least similar to this. the school wants it as vague as possible to give them easier outs if needed. coaches...
mistresses? i agree. but by rule (and state law) they can’t be students that work for him.
i have zero doubts those “creepy old coaches” are also trying to score. they just haven’t pissed off the right people for it to be outed yet....
yep here is the “for cause” definitions of his Kansas contract: [ATTACH] that last bullet point will be what is argued in court. this can be...
i remember reading it when they first hired him. a lawyer would have to get involved to determine if this is a “for cause” situation or not. but...
having a lefty NOT play the infield is not analytics. it’s physics. a lefty has to turn his entire body around to make every single throw. that’s...
name the last time you’ve ever seen anyone play i’m not changing anything about Crews. leave him exactly where he is in field and lineup. It’s...
i’m still not medically cleared to go back to work yet, so i got plenty of time.
translation: you can’t.
is that the best you got? waiting on the link that you’ll never produce.
you also continuously bring up today’s score as if it’s indicative of this team. Despite 8 previous games saying otherwise. so go ahead post a...
then should be easy to link me a similar Box score since he’s been here.
not new. was here before you. and i’m not comparing Paul to Skip. Or even this team to 1997. i’m comparing one game to one game. why?...
not even close. i’m just not gonna cry over one game in March during the best start we’ve had since our last title. especially one where a guy...
i’m sorry, did i hurt your feelings. go fuck yourself
coming from the dipshit that called my post “shit talking” yeah they do. just did in fact. and will probably be a decade before you see it again.
i was trying to have a discussion. "don't play with me" was the beginning of the shit talking. what excuse did i make? saying "these days...
oh no...what will happen if i do?!!? oh right you just gonna flap your gums like a typical internet badass.