I can easily seperate the two. In case you missed the memo my brother is a priest. I happen to know the real deal about the Catholic church. Do...
I could see screaming about religious freedom if the church itself was required to provide birth control in it's health care, but it is NOT. Only...
she already said it was not a PR stunt as usual you refuse to believe the facts.
Martin has huge legs and massive calves like he won spelling bees and still can't spell. Never happen. Martin just flat out lies. Now when is...
I didn't do anything special for black history month. Did you? Now for my period, when I had one, I did many things extra like buy...
Isom: I Can Take A Hit On The Field - Local News - New Orleans, LA - msnbc.com 6'1 190 pounds. she would kick Martin's ass.
Isom She said some have criticized her tryout as “publicity stunt” but “nothing could be further from the truth.”
Side note: Why does it have to be a stunt maybe just maybe the girl likes football. Guess what boys anything you can do a girl can do too!...
Isom In High Demand After Word Spreads Of Her LSU Football Tryout - Local News - New Orleans, LA - msnbc.com You might be seeing a lot of Mo. She...
have a drink it is 5:00 somewhere
go back and read the entire thread. #46 and #63 might grab your attention. I have big shoulders I can take it if you just want to call me out.
I don't have kids. Thank God! Yes, my mom doesn't like JJ either. If the personal attacks are saying he sucks as a qb then atleast I can say...
could not have said it better. I will just send the bill to LSUpride since he thinks everything is free.
see where I wrote thank you depo shot. You should google what it is and how it regulates your periods. have I taken bc pills in the past yep...
Seriously, have you read this entire thread. I am not the lone wolf. If what I was saying wasn't true that he looked like he was playing for bama...
Report: Brees livid about being tagged, won't sign tag offer - New Orleans Saints - CBSSports.com RapidReports Report: Drew Brees is
what beliefs that insurance should cover all medical purposes. yes they should. What do you think insurance is for? No, I am not free to work...
I think some are missing the point that a lot of women use BC pills or shots not to prevent from having children but for medical reasons. Isn't...