You just gave me an example of someone who was killed by the death penalty and he was innocent but "they had his chance." dude just admit it...
great back peddling. I didn't write church.
since you said you are pretty much always against the death penalty means you are NOT pro-life you are pro-fetus. You can't have it both ways....
You did not say church organizational function. You said church.
did you read this thread? so does GWB
Rick Santorum wants to ban hard-core pornography | The Ticket - Yahoo! News I didn't want to start a whole new thread for this. But I thought...
LSUsuperfan, your sig says Abortion is murder. Can I ask if you believe in the death penalty? Off the topic but I want to know how you feel about...
you make my point everytime. You can't go to a church for a job, unless you are a priest or nun. A church is a place of worship. I can only...
a church is a place where people go to worship. It is not a hospital or doctor's office. If I want to receive medical help at a church then I...
I know, right
:lol: It is kind of like using the word "right" when you are talking. Conversation: That was an awesome game. I know, right?
+1000 for Okie. I don't think I laughed so hard on one thread in my life between Tiga thinking he knows periods, Martin being a queen (which...
well played bro:thumb:
refer to the above post where Tiger in NC agrees with me. You can't have PMS without a period. With 3 girls and a wife you really should know...
You missed the word YOU. How many do YOU know of? strike two
really didn't Tiger in NC ask you how many nun nurses do you know to which you replied Lots. I need to work on my reading comprehension...
LSUsupafan....Here is your challenge. Name these nun nurses you claim to know. I bet you I can disprove this in 2 mins with one phone call. Hey...
To add to my comment. My brother, yes the priest, is also an ER trama nurse, so he sees first hand that women need birth control for medical...
share away..he knows it is true.