So I guess Madam Cleo in California should be a little concerned ... afterall ... tirk knows. :rolleyes:
Dude .... I'm on your side and hope it's all true ... but what you know is just what you read. just like everybody else. I've read there is a...
With all the bitching from Winston et al., and the Mainstream Media about how Trump didn't set a good example on COVID .. where is their...
In tirks and Bengals defense ... if you think transparency is the norm, you are crazier than both put together. I definitely dismiss the qanon...
They should subpoena the boards. And if the Democrats destroyed them or erased them or modified them in anyway since the election, they should be...
This is like watching grass grow. "Whistleblower Melissa Carone, an IT contractor for...
But it can buy me a boat .... and a truck to pull it.
Has anyone else heard anything about this?? Probably ol Gomert bidding for propaganda time on the TV ......
Hey WINSTON ... here's you some more!!!...
LOL .. that's fake news. You can't be allergic to water because it is not a protein. ALL antibodies, those little guys responsible for allergic...
Was just reading on RCP ... the GOP smashed the Democrats in State Houses. It makes ZERO sense that the GOP smashed the State Houses, yet Biden...
It would appear that the main fraudulent activity is connected to the use of the Dominion Machines and Software. The glitch is a really ingenious...
Apparently you just don't want to acknowledge the filed legal challenges. For Example .. Michigan .....
Winston ... what part of a Summons do you not get? These guys and gals gave sworn testimony on irregularities with the election that can be...
Mancha ... alls Is has to say is .... the link in my post is to the actual summons filed in MI court with sworn testimonies. I just don't see...
Tell the Democrats this!! ... There should be NO opposition or hesitation to audit the vote, and ensure it is accurate. Joe himself should be...
Ya gotta remember .. this is Gulianni .... he is notorious for saying .. "it's comming" . and it never comes. I hope it is correct. It would put...
Here is the actual Summons! As I hear it, there...
I agree with you on the point you are making .... being a Socialists is just 1 issue. There are very few true "socialists". But, otoh, you have...
The X Axis is a composite of positions on all issues. It is expected that 15-20% of people will be extreme left, and 15-20% of people will be...