Let him open up his thread. Nobody with a brain will trust a thing he says. Biden's Presidency will be covered as a glowing success by his fuck...
Only problem, .... The MEDIA won't pay the price. American citizens, by the loss of Trump most certainly will.
And the best way to dismiss hearsay is a transparent assessment that dismisses it. Reports from CNN and the rest of the leftosphere don't count.
Our Upside-Down Postelection World | RealClearPolitics This is just a great read on the double standard that exists when it comes Trump vs Biden.
Antrim County is NOT what needs to be audited!! DETROIT is where the issue is. WAYNE COUNTY is what I want to see. Antrim County was just an...
As opposed to nipping around the edges .... may I suggest .. AUDIT the damn vote and prove we are all lunatics!!!! Lot of issues on the table ......
I've no doubt that there have been a lot of false claims. As I've said, every time Guliani opens his mouth, expect a half truth or lie. But that...
I think if you were to count the number of Americans born outside of the US or even born to first generation immigrants, and compared it to the...
The tremendous advance in peace in the ME wouldn't have helped him if it was signed on day 1. Thanks to people like you, who prefer to be...
OK .. so the hand recount is over, and trump gained 11 votes. What is troubling is, how does Biden lose 2000 votes between Nov 3 and Nov 21st?...
"new" strzok text?? .... or is it more likely you mean Strzok text that was deliberately hid or ignored for the purpose of protecting the deep...
Yes HWR ... and it could ALL be put to rest with a completely transparent audit of the vote. I have no problem with Joe being president if he won...
No ... you are not guaranteed to die!! Get out in the SUN as much as you can. UVB light has two benefits. 1) Exposure to UVB stimulates the...
As I understand it, the Software was deliberately set to kick out ballots at a 60-70% error rate. Once the ballot is sent to adjudication, the...
It is a crime. ALL documentation connected to an election much be preserved for 22 mo. On this basis alone, the vote in MI should be considered...
Yes ... for high crimes and misdemeanors ... and fraud qualifies. As such, Biden, Harris, and Pelosi could all be impeached in one fail swoop,...
@winston ... "Greg Teufel: People I think put too much emphasis on the deadlines. Yes, if you want to prevent Biden from taking office certainly...
Not if the Supreme Court puts a hold on the vote.
As I hear it ... the suit is not thrown out, just the emergency injunction was denied. The case is still active. So .. as usual ... someone is...
What's so cool about RCP ... is you can read the headline and see who it is from, and it is amazing the blatant bias.