nice pose
It's a blazing sign of the corruption of the BIDEN FAMILY ... and that starts with Joe. ... ya know, the guy you voted for!! So ... don't really...
Wouldn't be surprised if we've seen the last of the GOP. I can see the Constitutional or Libertarian Parties rising up and taking the baton away...
They appoint a Democrat.
But there is no fraud!! .... this didn't happen ...we swear!!
I always search for source material. Thus, if any outlet say "X", I see "according to who". Then I search for according to who, and get all the...
So ... a bunch of leftists proclaim AP to be a centrists outlet, and you believe them? I"ll give it to them they don't post leftists Bull Shit,...
RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties -- Election Was Rigged!...
But there is no fraud!!
If they shredded the originals, they are in direct violation of Federal Election Statutes that require ALL materials connected to a Federal...
LOL .... now all we have to do is get you a tatoo on your forearm of an anchor and you 'll be all set!! :eek:
Winston ... sometimes I wonder about you man. Cobb County?? ... an audit of 15,000 voters out of 380,000 in Cobb County?? How about an audit of...
Where is the overwhelming evidence the Election was fair??
More evidence Biden didn't win shit!!
The solution to all of this is easy. ... be transparent and let the PUBLIC see the evidence!! Until they do that, it is a they said, they said...
COTiger .. I know you are aware of history. The Aristocrats and their minions think the public is just a bunch of dweebs, and too stupid to know...
yes ... go figure .... a state of democrat judges etc denying any fraud and obstructing the effort to investigate.
As usual ... the "deep state" aristocracy is blocking the legal process of attaining the evidence. They just have to hold out another 21 days to...
NO ... fanatic called it ... it's APATHY. Herd mentality. Don't question anything and maybe the monster won't notice you.