You can replace Google with NO tracking.
Who gives a flying f**k if they were Trumpsters. Of course the POLICE arrested the Trumpsters ..... but they were told to stand down for the...
This is how the Communists Russia, China, Venuzuela, Cuba, North Korea and every other leftist shit hole began. But then, there wasn't 300...
Saw where Apple and Google are threatening to remove Parlor from their stores if they don't implement Left Wing Censorship.
wish they had multiple "likes" on this one. times 1000
My concerns were not and are not Dominion. My concern is the reluctance of the Democrats in the 6 Democrat Precincts that made the difference in...
Now we have the Leftist Media calling for a "cleansing" of Trumpism. Diane B on Twitter: "I want people to remember that @rickklein made this...
Watson to the rescue!!
I don't do social media, and I have had to all but stop reading/watching/listening to the news. There is just so much "in your face" propaganda I...
FINALLY SOMEONE WITH A SPINE! President of Chicago Police Union Defends Capitol Protesters: 'There Was No Arson... Looting...'...
The reality of the situation, .. is ... the Democrats in MIlwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, Philly, Maricopa County ... should have cooperated and...
That's what I read as well. Do you note the difference? It was the MAGA's dead!!! The police officer, from what I hear had a medical emergency...
And they didn't break a single window, loot a single story, kill a single person, assault a single innocent person, burn a single building, burn a...
Yes ...we totally agree!! ... this is what is deemed "peaceful protests" [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] ON THE OTHER HAND .... HERE IS WHAT DOMESTIC...
Somebody forgot to tell the MSM and Biden about this ....errr ... or maybe they just dismissed it like they did all the evidence connected to...
CBS News on Twitter: "Biden: "What we witnessed yesterday was not dissent. It was not disorder. It was not protest. It was chaos. They weren't...
Just like I asked Mancha ... Why is it too much to ask for a transparent investigation into claims?
What does ANYBODY want when there is alleged crime??? We want a transparent investigation. 1) The GA Senate Committee ordered a forensic audit...
PowerPoint Presentation ( 79% of Trump voters believed the election was stolen 12% of Biden voters believed the election was stolen....
... and yet, you have no concern when the Democrats rig an election. In fact, you are not even curious!! You obviously have not kept up with the...