Blumenthal is a creeper. I bet he had little boy porn on his Iphone.
Shit stirrer. I taught you well...or one of us did.
And themselves- and Finestine. Even in the poll of this thread, more people chose "Fuck Finestein" than anything else.
Definitely a cunt. An old cunt, at that.
Graham chewin on sum ass
But fuck the ones who lie, and tarnish the names of boys or men, with a broomstick.
What's saddest is that shit like this hurts the ones who truly are victims. God bless the women who have been victims of any degree of sexual...
Holding up resuming hearing for Finestine. She must be changing her plug.
Lol at cnn. They can't understand Kav being angry. WTF they expect?
No doubt.
"Fumblenuts" That shit is funny. I gotta give you that much, you come up with some good ones that I've never heard before.
Not sure if she's lying or confused but NO DOUBT in my mind that guy is telling the truth.
Traffic is why I no longer attend games.
Kavanaugh's about to be appointed.
Getcha picks in boys- and gurls.
Article 133
Not at the dead guys kid. And having a gun, in itself, is not a threat, especially po need down- while asking calmly for him to stay away. I can...
My mind. You've made me lose my mind.