so they were paying hunter for his expertise..... in what? were they assembling a consortium for the advancement of smoking crack while getting...
nah, he declassified that stuff. case closed.
says it right here. no. this is the actual jurors document. why do you keep lying? you dont think i am willing to go after source material?...
thats is not correct, they didnt find that, they said no on the rape charge. i can post the document signed by the jurors again if you like
the plea deal that was trashed, it says that hunter biden was in fact cashing massive checks from china and romania etc. this makes me wonder...
there is no plea deal.
yeah lol why so angry
no he didnt
what plea deal?
plea deal failed specifically because they didnt want to give him immunity from the future charges you say are russian disinformation. but you...
this is the letter from the govt officials claimming biden laptop has the earmarks of russian disinfo....
lots of bombshells today. seems like the beginning of the end for biden. walls closing in. insiders say joe is furious and scared. even those...
there is no real reason this had to sort out down party lines, but it did. NPR said lab leak was a kooky conspiracy theory. fauci, never stopped... these are the documents themselves. its alot to read and we...
documents are now being exposed that showed the scientific establishment resisted lab leak theory because they didnt want trump to be right....
well there was incriminating evidence he pled guilty.
this story was a lie you got from twitter and eagerly spread. i proved it was a lie, found the person that posted it, who was not even a server,...
there was testimony in congress today that the FBI knew the biden laptop to be real and not in any way russian disinformation. @Tiger in NC do...
i read victor davis hanson in college in my military history class. i was kinda suprised, as he is a fox news commentator, and universities are...
this is a good article on how the white supremacist trump hate driven asian hate crime wave is false....