ok, well have a nice day i guess. not sure what you are looking for here.
sorry friend, case was determined by a jury, not a judge. jury said no to rape charge. judge can think whatever he wants. jury decided case,...
nothing happened to it, he has those powers. not sure what you are talking about. president ca declassify anything.
lying about what? could you use quotes please? i dont know what you are talking about.
i am not sure what you mean, it was never a case of guilty vs innocent it was a civil case of liable or not, and they explictly said "no" to the...
looks like things have changed. no more jose alvarado/tremont water puerto rican team: "LSU is expected to play the Bahamian National Team and...
when the QB is a running QB, and he thinks he can buy time by leaving the pocket and get a look downfield, and he cant because perkins was...
the lie from the first post in the thread, where did you get it? you just made it up?
it didnt surprise me, i just said this what you do every time. please try to pay attention
yes i literally just said this is what you do. this is your script. get called out, scream racism. its every single time. not just you but all...
today vivek ramaswamy says: "As President I will instruct the Justice Department *not* to seek convictions for process crimes - obstruction,...
this is a LIE!
no problem. after i told you repeatedly you were lying, you said: no it isnt, you are lying! there is spaghetti sauce on my tablecloth. its...
that is not what they said, it was a civil case and didnt require proof. This standard requires the jury to return a judgment in favor of the...
oh a guarantee! oh yeah walls will close in this time for sure, your predictions will be true for sure this time. in 2017 you were wrong. and...
are men more prone to violence than women? are they? you sexist piece of filth
i see so your claim now is that you made up a terrible lie to incriminate trump and that there never was any semen evidence whatsoever? why did...
jury said "no" to rape.
they will say biden laptop russian disinfo, i will show them the people who made that claim admitting they had no evidence, its still russian...
1. trump does use that defense. he says he had a standing order for declassification. he had that power as president, unlike biden and hillary...