again the biden admin says lab leak is the mostly likely culprit based on available evidence. where do you think its from?
correct social medias did in fact ban the new york post, which i think is the nations oldest newspaper, from posting it
thats not correct. a significant amount of evidence exists for lab leak theory. i am about to lead you through it. be patient.
thats not correct and in fact the biden admin thinks lab leak is most likely. i can lead you through the evidence slowly. first, are you aware...
whats the process?
i posted it already in this thread, she claimed he fucked her with his cock...
i have never argued for biden crime family, or that the election was stolen, or that biden did trafficking etc. if you paid attention perhaps...
did you know there is a corornavirus lab in wuhan? its one of just a few in the world. i can lead you through the evidence, but we will start...
where is the virus from, according to you? is this gonna be another question you refuse to answer?
do you favor cluster bombs for ukraine?
yeah the walls never end up closing in. mueller tried for years
walls closing in this time for sure
this is not what she claims
her claim was that he used his cock, not just his fingers. i guess the jury thought she was lying
nah the verdict is not splitting hairs
thats her claim how do you define fucking if not having a cock fucking a cunt?
whats the process ?
you said it, friend.
yeah because michael hayden is a fucking asshole. but now you trust him when he says laptop is russian disinfo?
this post was from back when the left opposed basically every war. now they cant send enough cluster bombs to blow up children