I think you guys are getting in a tizzy right now for no real reason. As Oklahoma has shown in the past, beating the snot out of teams is...
That's par for the course. TCU is a party school.
Because MSU's offense makes LSU's 2012 offense look like the GOAT offense.
THen you watched a very different game today than I did. MSU was controlling that game for the first half. And that was MSU.
Okay, that pass seemed a bit lucky, but I'll take it.
Someone didn't watch Texas or Okie Light play today. Oklahoma is a question mark for sure though.
That is a symptom of a young team.
They're probably the best team in the big 12. I know that's not saying a ton this year, but that's still a lot better than "soon to be 7-5" VT.
And VT really isn't a very good team. They're Tennessee level
They have been ranking highly in the big 12 too. TCU is definitely a good defensive team.
God, that makes me so happy. Words cannot describe how excited I am about that trade.
Now I'm hearing Jrue to the Pelicans. Please be true, please be true. It's for Noel and next years first round pick though :(
Sorry to burst your guys' bubbles, but a very reliable source just said that Noel is going to the 76ers. No idea what we get in return.
This is hardly official right now, but there's a rumor going around that Noel is going to be trade bait.
Even if this hit ends up going nowhere, that should wake the team up at least.
This is really hard to watch so far.
http://newsok.com/ou-baseball-lsu-scores-late-beats-sooners-in-battle-of-pitchers/article/3843089 I thought you guys might enjoy this article.
Thank god we got out of that inning unscathed.
Those are the ones I was talking about. The news over here interviewed a bunch of the survivors, and all of the survivors who had those shelters...
Get an underground shelter in your garage. The latches on the backyard ones won't actually stay closed if you do get hit. I really have to...