One less dirt bag on the planet
It could be expected that anyone who wins the championship in the current format would have played 3-4 top 10 teams. So you are probably correct.
That is performing better than the quote I cited.
Preach on my brother, he still is my favorite rb of all time.
I read a quote somewhere that said a good coach wins all the games they are favored, most of the games where it's a toss up and some of the games...
Barry proved himself in nfl also. So against the toughest competition he was great also.
What did bo bang Soonerbabe are something?
Cuts both ways perhaps those two can steal one or two from bama.
I would be ok with giving bo another shot. He probably would be here at least 4 years assuming he keeps up the d.
What could have been...
You are where i was last election. I will be voting for trump this year. That's why I believe the polls are total bs again.
Leaving early gives them a 1 year head start on their rookie contract. That's all this is about. Frankly which one of us would turn down the...
2011 didn't happen, I have moved on all is right in the world.
Can we bury this damn shit now Brady is gone. Next year we will have the answer.
Yall are taking what I'm saying a little too literally. A second championship would not be a disappointment, but the high of that one would not...
I think kiki and top billin are the same person
You have to know that these guys are saying to themselves that whatever next season brings it wont be as good as this year, so even another...
He wad vested in their pension system and that had something to sp with I it. I think anyways.
I think he is back under an alter