Which caused the earthquake in the first place. Just ask Danny Glover. :lol:
This is the best explanation of Evolution ever! South Park: Evolution - Clips - South Park Studios
Yes;..... Male
According to Rivals, Zach Lee is in
Of course I am. I'm hoping it will help me when the progressives take over.:rofl:
It's good to have you back, while I don't always agree with you I do find your posts insightful and well thought out. :thumb:
Or "Ron Mexico"?
No, I inserted reasons by which NASA's conclusions are being questioned. You were the first one to bring up a political stance, which shows your bias
Usually Red is leading the charge against Global Warming nay-sayers and Obama detractors.
Here you go FOXNews.com - Economy Grows 5.7 Percent, Fastest Pace Since 2003
I'm reactionary because I refuse to buy into the political agenda that drives "Man Made" Global Warming, or Climate Change or whatever the Dem's...
It's not baggage, it's a counter argument to the "Man Made" Global Warming scam. You liberals sure get touchy when someone disagrees with you
GISS – Garbage In / Globaloney Out From Joseph D’Aleo and E. Michael Smith's Climategate -- American Style The scientists at NASA’s GISS are...
Bhelm, i just wanted to say your inside information and insight into LSU recruiting is amazing. Do you work within the athletic dept.?
You just hit the nail on the head.
But it is never free!
I have to disagree, the original suit was filed due to a Non-Profit documentary about Hillary. The FECA ruled it ineligible because it was...
They did, they proposed Tort Reform, income tax credits on health plans, elimination of restrictions of selling health insurance across state...
Since he hasn't produced one yet, you don't really know that to be true
I was in Vegas last month and the voters in Nevada are not happy with Reid, he is trailing against most republicans, so barring any unforeseen...