Bush completely ignored the problem during his terms, due to the fact that the Bush family is part Latino. George P. Bush - Wikipedia, the free...
The White House will not take action especially since Obama has family here illegally. Obama’s auntie still freeloading - BostonHerald.com
Just because you are poor, tired or huddled in masses, it does NOT give you the right to violate the laws of a sovereign nation. Arizon's law is...
I think we need to adopt Mexico's approach to immigration. Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants...
Re: We don't really need that pesky First Amendment... If both sides dislike her, then she is probably the correct choice.
It doesn't change the fact the republicans sponsored the bill, it reveals just how many "Limousine Liberals" participated in the Bipartisan...
Your inability to identify sarcasm goes hand in hand with you inability to see the truth. Apparently ignorance is bliss! Goldman Sachs are...
You are absolutely right, the Democrats never are responsible for anything.
I did, 38 Democrats voted for the bill, the Republicans only had 54 votes, without the Democrats Support, the bill would of died. A Democrat...
I did, and interestingly it passed the Senate 90-8, including 38 Democrat votes, plus it was signed into law by a (gasp):shock: Democrat...
Read the quote. Red55 blamed it on the republicans, I simply pointed out the Democrats involved.
White House logs show that Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein traveled to Washington for at least two events with President Barack Obama, whose...
None, until this administration is out of office. But, Israel will not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, they will act when they feel there...
Re: Oil Rig explosion? If BP is able to shut in the subsea head the flow of oil will stop
Wrong The Court struck down a provision of the McCain–Feingold Act that prohibited all corporations, both for-profit and not-for-profit, and...
Not everyone can be as centrist as Sotamayor
Astro's beat the Yank's in 5 to win the World Series!!! You read it here first. (Yes this is a joke, but since I have Astro's tickets, I tend to...
I aim to Please
No, it could not be Bush, he only does World Trade Center bombings and Hurricanes. :thumb: