Easy, Crowton as the 2011 OC
It's the part about Miles pressuring Crowton to withdraw his name from consideration the bothers me.
This is not good news Is Miles keeping Crowton? Scout.com: Crowton Off The List
I wonder if Meyer is rethinking his retirement?
Keep the faith
Bhelm, what do you think. If ULL (or some other school) doesn't happen, will Crowton be let go?
1, And it happened after Peyton!
Well the ref's are probably making up for last weeks call on Mathieu!
I'm not putting this on the officials. LSU got beat by a better team tonight. I just feel the refs should be a little more protective of a QB that...
Anybody still want to debate this?
Maybe it's because I'm upset over the loss, but in last years LSU-Arky game Chad Jones got a Personnel Foul for his hit on a wide receiver, so why...
Fixed it
Wow! Headlinin': Vegas breaks for 'Bama - Dr. Saturday - NCAAF* - Yahoo! Sports
Like I said, It's second hand information, so take it with a grain of salt. But what I do know, is that the Feds don't fart around with...
I personally do not know much about Lowder and AU, I am getting my information second hand from a friend in Huntsville. But, Lowder is still on...
Apparently, Pat Dye, Bobby Lowder, and Milton McGregor all run in the same circles. I'm starting to think the rabbit hole runs deep. Bobby...
This is what's going around the rumor mill, apparently Bobby Lowder has a real shady past, all the way back to the Pat Dye and Eric Ramsey pay for...
If this is true, then they are already toast. I would agree, might as well go all in. I just find it hard to believe Auburn is that stupid.:insane:
I think they would be crazy to sacrifice the next 3-5 years for a possible championship that will be revoked if the allegations are true. Remember...
Somehow Vegas has a way of finding out about these things. Check the odds, if they suddenly change you know something is up.