So you are saying that Republicans represent the demographics of the U.S. and not the minority fringe like the Democrats right?;) As of 2014:...
Plus, if A&M's offense is any good, their D will be out there a lot and wear out quickly. Third and Chavis ain't gonna cut it.
I didn't realize that under Sumlin, A&M is only 7-9 against ranked teams and 0-5 against them at home. I guess the big 'Bama win early has...
Les did say the other day that he regretted not playing PP7 on offense fwiw...
Thank you and I knew you were passionate about your post so I tried not to take it too personally. I imagine we could sit down over a cold...
I will point out the difference to you, but I doubt you want to see it. The white crazy that murdered the trooper had apparently murdered his... $57,116 per citizen and counting.
Thank you for calling me a piece of shit by the way. My point, which again you missed was the media couldn't point out the facts that a black...
Actor Kyle Jean-Baptiste, who made history as the first African-American to play the lead role in a Broadway production of "Les Miserables," died...
There is one south of Albany on the turnpike, but I usually hit them when we drive back to Florida starting around Virginia.
Thank you. My only point was that this was a flat out execution, just like the two officers in New York and it will not get the media coverage...
TCU Oregon Michigan St. LSU
And the news - I have checked at least 6 different sites reports the shooter as being of dark complexion. The fomented hate of police officers by...
I thought the thread started with breakfast. :)
Hardees has a low carb breakfast bowl that is good driving food in a styro burger sized container.
They did, until 2008 or 2009 when they sold it to Tata Motors, ironically enough. It is an Indian company. Obama helped outsource Chrysler to...
That was the whole scam of "Obama saved the auto industry and killed Bin Laden". They screwed over bond holders and gave a large part to the...
Ford didn't and did not take a bailout. Chevy and Chrysler did.
Then she damn sure should have known the in the State Department, many documents are born classified - as anyone who has handled classified...
Tebow deserved it as the best college player that year. Dude could run and throw jump passes as well as long fades which work better in the NCAA.