Plus, if he is that close to another runner, he should have a better ypc average with one less game.
Southern Miss up 10 - 7 over Moo U in the second quarter and moving the ball again.
Just saw a tweet on the LSU page that said largest lightning strike of the night. 30 more?
ULL just tied Kentucky.
I think there was one about not getting additional time outs.
Getting cancelled isn't it?
I don't know, some of them have a lot more testosterone than many male metrosexuals.
Somebody here should be able to help:
But Shane, they are pragmatic and not dumb enough to attack Israel and commit suicide. Really, who would use children to clear mines for their...
That post could be in Little Known Facts...
He completed two in the end zone. The jersey color matters?
Fraaankensteen and the first brain was Abby Normal.
I had that problem in Florida until I insisted on a new "brain" and never had a problem again. I pointed out how much time they were wasting...
I watched a replay of Rohan Davey the other day and man he flung it into coverage, but gave his receivers a chance. They were also deep and a...
That has worked so well for Tennessee, Texas, Michigan, USC, Penn State, A&M, Colorado, Washington and others. There aren't enough Louisiana...
Maybe we aren't seeing the damning e-mails because they are classified and not for public consumption as you like to point out - that includes the...
Maybe she can share a cell with Hillary, white collar crime and all...
That reminds me of this:
Boys. Dad is a big hunter and grew up trapping. Doesn't do it now, but area culture.
Two of my youngest daughter's classmates, twins, are named Fisher and Otter.