I'm sure it has changed a lot as well since I left but my feeling is with VBall on this one. Are they really doing the same things? Our basic...
They are driving around in Humvees and other US equipment abandoned by Iraqis when the various cities fell. They have also used Mustard Gas. A...
And that was back when rookie QBs were almost unheard of.
I am impressed that the Utes can wear a two piece.
No, I was replying to all of the blame for the great recession being placed on GWB and used as an excused by the Obama defenders. Blame for a slow...
And Salome as well.
I have a Ping Zing 1
Who was in control of Congress the last two years before and the first two years after the crash?
That looks like a laptop camera. Will the same steps work with an exterior wireless camera if I connect it to our network? Not much of a techie.
No, I want a view like this: http://www.palmcoastandtheflaglerbeaches.com/where-we-are/webcams-weather.stml but I guess that would work too if...
Does anyone have experience with a remote camera / web cam at a camp or vacation place? I have internet at our fish camp in Florida and would...
General Election
Speaking of Trump, in the RCP polls (the one Red uses) Trump opened up a +5 lead over Clinton in the General Election. He also is garnering 25%...
I don't know, but they have some really good beers in South Africa.
Just for you Shane! 32 seconds of ear bleeding pleasure in a constant loop... http://www.vuvuzela.fm/
My 10 year old loved pink until a year or so ago and now won't wear it. My 14 year old is much like your 10 year old and will now actually wear...
Not bad for a slow white fullback. 14-7
They finally called a holding. It has been going on pretty obviously by OSU, but it really won't make a difference.
If I gave them that amount of cash, I would insist on being the driver of that new purple and gold truck!