I'm not 100% sure if it was AZ State v A&M, but in one of the early big match ups the D stacked the box and the stud running back broke one tackle...
Your sarcasm meter must be low on batteries...
"Bumpuses!!!" http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=christmas+story+bumpus+hounds&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=7A4BEF31D38D52DB435C7A4BEF31D38D52DB435C
I would love to put some of the posters in MOPP 4 in the middle of summer in Louisiana to unscramble their brains.;)
I was driving an old Land Cruiser back to Florida from AZ with my 7 year old and had just gotten into the Panhandle when it had a problem with the...
My dad is from West Texas and I love the panhandle. Just a bit too far from the beach. Not a far drive to Santa Fe however.
I laughed when you posted the shot thing and promptly went to bed. Eastern time sucks for some night games.
He just needs a bit of work not lining up in the neutral zone. Easy fix.
They couldn't run against us, so he was kind of correct about one dimensional. The DBs definitely got tired and also have technique to work on....
I wasn't drinking last night and I am pretty sure that it was more than one person. I didn't say you specifically. Maybe you need another 4oz...
I don't know where to find the stats, but Fournette was averaging 5 + yards a carry. If you asked most NFL coaches if you get 5 on first down, do...
But I didn't say LSU was screwed by the penalties, just observing if you want to say the only reason we won was because of a delay of game penalty...
In the thread last night the complainers were bitching every time Les took him out for a breather. No winning with the sky is already on the...
That is such bs. Everyone on the Les sucks, fire 'em all bandwagon is saying we only won because of Miss. State mistakes and a delay of game...
Those kicks wouldn't have been good from 47 either.
Then there will be Les of you.:)
Tenn chokes at home, AU should have lost to Jacksonville St., Mizzou trailed most of the game at home and we win against a Senior QB on a ranked...
Twice in a row. First down...
Why do some of you bother to watch if it makes you so freaking miserable?