any chance that the chicken wire changes game? i certainly hope not, cause then i will be screwed
ESPN2 just swiched on me again. this is getting annoying.
and now its back just in time for a commercial. Gawd i hope it stays here.
SUCK!!! ESPN2 just switched games on me, and now espn2, espn2HD, and espnU all have the ASU game. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dean is now a triple short of the cycle and still has 5+ innings to get it. that would be awesome to get a cyce in the last game at the Box
i thought three would be enough....apparently not
how soon is too soon for UCI to go to the bullpen?
was that a controversial call that went LSU's way? naaaah....couldn't eyes must be deceiving me
WOW...great game. thanks for the updates. when is the next game?
hey everybody, I'm new here, but this is certainly keeping me entertained at work. good job. GEAUX TIGERS!!