1/2 hour till more baseball. Wooohoooo.
:lol: Hey I like Taylor Swift too, but I'd never admit it.....wait.
In other words, the strike zone changed.
Yeah the last pitch was a ball, but I have to admit when the bottom of the ninth started there were some questionable calls at the plate. I...
Excluding the Peach Bowl right? :grin:
Good luck against CSF Monday.
Mainieri is up.
Reporter: "Why are you retiring so early?" USM coach Corky: "I like fishing" :lol:
Giggity Giggity.
[media] [media]
They aren't old enough to remember LSU's past success. :lol:
I guess when your team has been there as many times as LSU you realize how little good smack talk does. We can take pot shots until we are blue in...
YouTube - Train-Meet Virginia
Re: University of Alabama football program will have to forfeit 10 wins Shhhh. I'm hunting wahoo's.
Re: University of Alabama football program will have to forfeit 10 wins Haha. You can dewete it.
Re: University of Alabama football program will have to forfeit 10 wins I've seen 'At least 10' and then just 10. I think it depends on if the...
Re: Bama fans getting jumpy Great, now when people look at their results and see an L next to ULM they will think it was vacated. But we'll...
Actually it was, but not Florida's. Watch FAMU 2003 @ UF Gators Online - VideoSurf Video Search
I loves the counting crows. Especially that song.