thanks, fixed it but you knew what i ment. grammer nazi........or grammer obamaite nazi.......mmmmm
I agree also, hes making America a little worse day by day. Right now Bush looks like a genius compared to him.
quote: iraq war I can understand if hes giving 200 million to our armed forces but 200 million to help Palestine and another 20.3 million for...
Re: buddy's talk show. ah, i wish i could of. I loved my summer job but wont miss listening to Buddy.
Turk=Buddy.....has to be.
buddy's talk show. This summer was the first time i listened to his show and all i can say!! I can't believe this guy has had a...
Hes not making new jobs like he said...just keeping those employees at Boeing around a little longer to make the new jets. Then when done they...
thanks for moving. i realized after i posted
Sooooooo.....what all you think about him using up 200 million of the tax payers dollars to buy 2 new c-40c planes so they can ride in style or...
Yeah just walk around the stadium, or if you have a facebook account i use the market place to get tickets the students sell. You can normally get...
cool thanks
So i do a lot of hunting and fishing back home, lots but i have to drive 3 hours every weekend to do it during hunting season. I would like to...
Sorry but like a stated in previous post the reason for LSU doing this is b/c of the new tv contract. With the name on the jersey they said it...
Whats this long journey u speak of? Explain this long drawn out plan. Maybe if i and many other LSU fans that have distaste for the jersey change...
God help me if this would happen.
haha guess ya'll weren't the only ones gigging that night. giggity giggity giggity I grew up gigging flounders also. My step dad and i would...
Morgus :cool:
Yeah every morning before they open its either picked up or delivered. The place is seriously crazy during lent....lines out the door and even so...
i'm from the New Orleans area. Started college at ULL and would go there at least twice a week. I now live in B.R. and go to LSU and from someone...