Happy birthday, CajunPunk - you're a stand up guy. Takes a big man to step up and say "I was wrong." Always enjoy your comments, as they are...
Had a lot of experience with this, have you? :wink:
Don't bother, Tusk, I know the words to every song on the album - one of my favorite albums of all time! How'd you know it was a favorite? Oh -...
Isn't there some kind of limitation on the practice time? Seems to me there used to be one, and it's too early to practice for a bowl game. If CLM...
Sorry, Tusk, regardless of what is best for LSU, those words will never pass these lips. I have enough guilt issues as it is, and no therapist...
Living in New York has caused you to forget your upbringing. What would your Momma say to that kind of language. What is acceptable language in...
"Undefeated in regulation" sound familiar to anyone? I think Les is just starting up his propaganda routine and lobbying for votes like he did in...
Oh yeah - that would turn a "nail-biter" into something much more powerful. I am not sure that I would be able stand the excitement! This is the...
Y'all are giving me a headache...too much to think about. Think I'll wait till next Sunday to consider "what happened" as opposed to "what might...
There's got to be a movie in this story somewhere... but we don't yet know the identities of all the bad guys... Guess I'll wait a while to start...
Who'd have thunk this would EVER happen? Congrats to Jefferson! :geauxtige
I don't want to disagree - he might cut off the cookies. It ain't worth that!:grin:
Maybe Nevis could encourage them to do that a lot. Or Mathieu. Or Mingo. And you know how Sheppard likes to blitz the middle.... Could be a...
Like maybe, "LesMilesisDAman.com" ? Pretty sure you could get that one if you hurry. :miles: If you're not feeling pretty silly right now, you...
We have a winner! Steve, you're a good man. :thumb:
Let's face it, this has not been a glorious year for the oft-hyped defenses of the SEC, and Saturday's Ole Miss-LSU game may have been the most...
Actually, Hatcher led the team in tackles tonight. Imagine how many more he could have had!
yes, all three time outs were still there.