I don't think they get to use a calculator, but not sure of that. Those samples are not mind bending or anything, but with the time limit, I...
Those Wonderlic tests are NOT easy! Here's a few sample questions: Wonderlic* Practice Questions Set 1 1. A physical education class has...
We may not notice the difference in #7 last year and #7 this year. Unless Tyran plays like he did in the Cotton bowl, in which case we'll think #7...
It's OK SabanFan - I'm sure it's the first time you've been confused...but probably won't be the last. At least, that's how it has been for me....
Why we shoot deer in the wild (A letter from someone who wants to remain anonymous, who farms, writes well and actually tried this) I...
I have also learned that "ignorant" can be fixed, but "stupid" is FOREVER.
Uh, do you mean completely missing or just certain parts?
What's the matter, Guys? Don't you EVER watch Law & Order SVU? If you did, you'd already know what Okie is talking about! And Elliot would have...
Welcome to the Forum. Don't let Tiga bother you. As stated above, he's never been the same since that pickle slicer event. He's a great guy but...
I have a want to say "Nick is winning with Miles' players!"
Memo to NCAA, CAM NEWTON, and the Right Reverend Newton, re: Weather: "VENGEANCE IS MINE, SAYETH THE LORD." "HIS JUDGEMENT COMETH, AND THAT...
Dang! You're strict, ain't 'ya? :miles:
That's funny - I thought it did sound like he wasn't ready to go anywhere... guess it all depends what you wanted to hear. He definitely has a...
I agree with you 100%. No reason not to retain Les even if it requires more money. Think how much revenue would be lost if we don't strike...
It's called "Cultural Illiteracy". No, really, it is!
The Team is probably pretty adept at hearing what he means rather than what he says. Heck, even I'm getting better at it! :miles:
Any word about an LSU plane at Nebraska? Just wondering. Do they have airfields there or only cornfields?
Sounds like we need Les Miles to me. (With a few minor asst coach changes)
Oh, well, as long as it's from a solid source....:confused:
Maybe I'm being naive, or just a bit too trusting, but if CLM told HIS team that he will be back, that should be the end of it. I think he's...