I mean one is an athlete with speed agility and power and the other is a fat ass. Not much of a shock to me.
Well I mean y’all are so sure that he didn’t do it, I’ve been saying there is no way to tell. So I’m taking the opposite stance now. President...
So now we will get a sexual predator for a president and 2 of them on the Supreme Court. Shane Black will have to change his next Predator film.
It’s been 50/50 most years without an offense. We just have this streak of unlucky and fold in the 4th quarter or 2nd half type shit, freak...
Fehoko came from there too didn’t he?
I think we have always had a chance, hell there a bunch of losses to Alabama since 2012 that could have gone either way that I felt good about...
That’s hilarious, I still can’t get over that 116 people just randomly decided to donate money to that school.
Yeah there is no secret playbook. Let’s face it they just had a shitty game plan against SELU. It’s not like they completely changed the offense...
Stoner is good, Head is good too. In other ways as well.
Speak for yourself. It’s not the same that it was when you were spiking the ball against them UCLA beyotches faces. It’s a lot different. Some...
I’d vote for Musk. How did Ted Cruz get to run? Were his parents born in the US or something?
I’m sure some are just on board to trash him because Trump appointed him. It’s a political tactic. Just like the majority refusing to vote on...
Easy to say fuck optics but you know that’s the reality of it. I probably wouldn’t do it either though.
I’m looking at a low scoring meh win. Well low scoring like 31-3. A blowout but not a skull fucking.
Plus I lived in Dallas for 10 years, oh it’s real. Fuck Texas. The school not the state I love the state.
Optics my friend. Why give the other side ammunition. It’s the look that drives the country not facts.
That only works for Alabama and Ohio State
The only other witness to this event is refusing to testify. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5ba15f8ae4b04d32ebfd8c01
LSU fans are the best, and sometimes the worst but fuck it they are our worst
Doesn’t matter what you or I think. Only matters what senators vote what. This is playing out like a court of law I’ll give you that much....