Better call Saul Paul
Supposedly they have a straight up baller in the defensive backfield.
I find the ignore function works pretty well.
Sure, the Beatles turned their yellow submarine into time Machine and Ringo and George changed their names to Mark and Luke.
I mean, she had to move because of the death threats so it goes both ways. I told Tig this awhile back politics is turning into the Auburn...
Wait, did you just say the only person I would approve of is Jesus? And I beg your pardon I do acknowledge Jesus existed. I believe there is...
Don’t know I’ve been doing my absolute best to ignore the only person other than SabanFan back in the day I’ve really gotten ugly with, but in my...
Sorry bout that. I’ll take the NWA off my playlist.
Oh damn. 1st tip, do not buy anything in the gift shops in time square. If you want souvenirs just go to Walgreens it will save you a ton of...
I have been by it but not in it because every time I’ve been to NY it was off season. I can give you some great little places to hit up though if...
Just so it’s known I know that everyone that calls me names save that 1 dude does it with love. I’ve never been offended by any name I’ve been...
On the flip side of all this let’s say it did happen. Damn that was a long time ago and yes Winston rapist was too strong. I think I used sexual...
Well I mean, sure but not forcibly.
Is that normal for you? I mean I’ve never forced myself on a woman and then tried to muffle her cry for help by putting my hands over her mouth....
I’ll wear that as a badge of honor.
I mean his son is the coach. It’s not that serious.
Yeah I’m good. I was sober this morning maybe that’s where the rage came from, and I think a lot is just being tired of all this shit. Even when...
If you measure sanity by your beliefs Shane I’m glad as fuck you think I’m out of my mind.
On social issues yes he does and I am aligned with those beliefs. He also isn’t a dick head douchebag. That’s rare in politics today. On Alito,...
I don’t think the democrats are clean on this, and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn this whole thing is a fabrication, but it also wouldn’t...