This is rhetorical right?
And this is why I hate some of our fans...this is NOT a time to boo anyone or anything...
I hope this is just anger talk because if not then wow....
I know this is a week away but if this D shows up against Ole Miss, McCluster will run all over us. Lets get it together! :geaux:
Home grown but here's another one... | LSU Sports | Peterson: Marks prove interception — Baton Rouge, LA
Maybe you should watch the game again. Way too many NON holding calls that allowed those great Bama runs. No way did they dominate us otherwise.
Another blog....haha! Dear Mr. Slive: I Should Be a Replay Ref -- NCAA Football FanHouse "Because like the rest of America, I saw Peterson...
And another! Yeah I know it's a blog but it's from the Gator forums. Haha! "And hear this Mikie the replay official at the Alabama - LSU game...
The only way true change can occur is if we rise up together and stomp this one out. I know it sounds like a speech but your type of thinking is...
Add another to the bunch... This Week in SEC Officiating Controversies - College Football -
This is not just about 1 call. LSU got hosed the entire game from several holdings, a few facemasks, a helmet directly to the chest of our QB, and...
Mike "El Guapo" "Boss Hog" Slime approves of your shenanigans....:thumb:
FTFY :lol:
Strange because I honestly thought I couldn't hate ESPN any more than I already do. I was wrong...
We need to figure this one out. I'm SICK of SLIVE!
Times Picayune article as well....this snowball is gaining momentum! Peterson's possible pick again puts SEC officials under microscope | LSU...
HAHA! Mike "Boss Hog" Slive......:nope:
Good pic representation of what's about to happen to the SEC officials...'s piling up now! Conspiracy theorists about SEC officiating might be on to something - Matt Hayes - College Football - Sporting News
"SEC games are like professional wrestling matches; just when you think your guy is gonna win, the ref hits him on the head with a folding chair."...