I see. You actually thought that someone on this board knew the answer to that question. You obviously weren't trying to make a point at all.
I don't know, but I do. Probably because in my career, I do see naked women sometime, and I could get into a lot of trouble if I'm not...
As I've said before, I can appreciate the beauty of woman's body without getting horny. She's hot, but I need more to actually get me excited....
What ever happened to tapping into the ANWAR resevoir? Did the tree huggers win that battle?
bengalfan If a girl in a bathing suit gets a rise (no pun intended) out of you, you need to get out more.
Ummm....what the hell is this? [IMG]
I can appreciate the beauty of a woman's body without it "eliciting a sexual response". I would assume that most men who have actually seen a...
Since she's not even nude, I would hardly call it any kind of porn. Lighten up, she's in a bathing suit. Pick up a Sears catalog and you'll see...
Here's some [IMG] [IMG]
The only reason I care about Emmert leaving is because of this quote by Saban a couple of months ago: He always seems to bring up Emmert when...
Have the attacks in Spain been positively linked to Al Queda, or any Muslim terrorist for that matter? I'm just asking because the last I heard,...
Is it just me, or does it seem like Matt Jones has been playing for, like, 6 years or something.
Sounds like he's in "self-preservation" mode. I've never taken either side on this issue, but when you see a coach that refuses to take...
I didn't think Virginia Tech had a buyout since they are still coming.
In 2005: possibly THE toughest schedule in the nation (if Arizona comes around)... a young talented qb WITH experience... a brand NEW...
Great, I'll be checking back in.
Here's my response to being called bandwagon fans: "Having bandwagon fans is when you average an extra 11,000 fans per game when you are...
Same thread ramah started, follow his link No reponses yet
Thanks, I posted it